Act III - Crescendo

I hear sirens – screaming in the distance
I watch as the waves break against my fortress
I feel them slowing falling apart, crumbling
I’ve got scars all over my body
A real proof I’ve fought with all my strength
I have stood tall
And it has proved not to be enough
Without an anchor to hold me forth
I begin to sink
White foam surrounding me
Shaken and shattered
But it seems right
The ocean calls my name
Claiming me as its belongs
These wings were meant to burn
This heart was meant to beat – underwater
The ocean calls my name
And for a second, I don’t feel lost anymore
Buried on dirt, rooting among the tress
After years of emptiness I now realize
It was never my home
But into the deep blue and endless ocean
I feel welcome
Where I will cry no more
Where they will hurt me no more
I shall not swim
I will just sink
Slowly and peacefully
Let me sink.

- Sadness in three acts


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