Lost in Paradise

I've tried for so much time
To suppress these feelings
This sense that is not human
So blinded, so helpless I though
this loneliness would disappear
The emptiness would be filled
Hate would turn into love.
I was trying to hide the pain and the despair
behind smiles and laughs
You believed in me,
But I am broken
Always swallowing tears to look strong
Bottling everything up in an endless pit
My weakness has made it overflow
It's overflowing...
The hole was not deep enough
And now I will drown
On tears never cried
On words never said
On forgotten plans
On smashed dreams
There's no escape - I
I can't run away
All these things being hidden for so long
Now unable to disappear and leave me alone
It might be too late now
I must be already dead now.


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